Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hard Questions

How bad would it be to ask the boy that I like where our relationship is going?

I think I'm too chicken to bring anything up. I tell him things that dance around the subject but I have never discussed our relationship with him directly. Is there even a reason to broach the subject when things are going well?

I just hate when people ask me if he's my boyfriend, then argue with me when I say he's not. Are we getting serious? I guess, but I don't really know what he's thinking. I suppose that the solution to my problem would be to become a mind reader. This could potentially help other aspects of my life as well, I suspect.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Remedios Varo, Celestial Pabulum

This is what I spent a year of my life researching. My undergraduate thesis was on female Surrealist artists and their explorations of women's roles. I think it still might be the best thing that I've done and the most impressive. Therefore I could write an essay on this painting right now. Instead I want to point out my major observation of the female Surrealists depictions of domesticity. These works are limiting and empowering for women. As she feeds her moon-child, she is trapped in a tower with no visible escape. But, through doing her maternal duty she is connected to the universe and the cosmos in a way that only she can be. It's a very powerful painting and one that shows the complex relationship to women's roles that Varo was exploring.

This is my passion. I want to study women looking at women and commenting on our suggested positions within the patriarchal society.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Days of Summer

The official break in my summer has now begun. I arrived in Massachusetts two days ago and have been doing close to nothing since my arrival. This is not a disappointment by any means as it was exactly how I hoped things would be. I just need a break from any kind of real life. And for the next week I have no job commitments to keep me from fully enjoying my summer. Not to mention that I am here with one of my favorite people in the world and that always makes me feel happy.

I also did go to the SIAMS reunion, the reason for returning to the north so early. It was really a wonderful time. It's amazing to me the bonds that I forged with these girls during a mere six week period. And in seeing them again I felt like it had only been yesterday since I saw them last. We all picked up exactly where we left off after a period of brief catching-up. I love those girls and even though we only spent a few hours together yesterday I feel like all of our friendships have been recharged.

On a sadder note, the north was less than welcoming as I arrived to rainy days. I already miss the Louisiana heat...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Morris Louis, Dalet Kaf

Louis' work is really quite beautiful. It is pretty superficial on the whole but there is something really serene and ethereal about his painting. This one was in The Modern in Fort Worth. It happened to also be my desktop picture at the time that I saw it. Quite remarkable. I really love painting with movement. There's just something about it that greatly impacts me.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Elisabetta Sirani, Portia Wounding her Thigh

I really adore this painting. I think it's quite beautiful and a powerful statement of woman. In my Women Artists class everyone preferred Artimesia Gentileschi to Elisabetta Sirani, but I really felt intrigue and entranced by Sirani's painting. I think this might be the oldest painting that I've included in this blog but I think it warrants definite attention. It may not be the bold statements of women empowerment that Gentileschi creates but I find that her subtly is quite moving. Her composition and technique is also quite lovely I think.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Feeling guilty about not updating in a while. Yet not so guilty that I've come up with something brilliant or significant to write about. Since it's about the time for me to go to bed if I don't want to look/feel exhausted at work tomorrow, I'm not sure that I really have time to get into anything right now. So here's a brief summary of all the new things in my life that I've neglected to blog about with hopes that I'll get back to them in more detail later.

John and I are moving in together... sort of. He's still extremely vague about his plans and what this all really means, but I've decided to let myself get excited about it anyway. Excited/Nervous.

I feel like I'm wasting my summer. I'm having a good time and have especially enjoyed bonding with Allison but I'm not doing anything that gets me closer to doing work in a museum. This really bums me out. I'm nervous about my future plans after grad school and the opportunities that may or may not be open to me. Why did I have to get rejected from all of those internships this summer? I don't know how someone could be more qualified than me for an internship in education and it's really depressing to think about the fact that I just can't catch a break in that aspect for the second summer that I've put myself out there. How am I supposed to get a real job? I make jokes about coming back to Coast Capital after graduation if this whole art history thing doesn't work out, but really I'm terrified that that might really be my only option.

I also only have two weeks left at home. Louisiana home. I'm feeling extremely bittersweet about the idea of leaving.

Anyway, that was longer than I intended. And here's my re-commitment to this blog. I will at least post art everyday if I have nothing in the life department to report.