Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Jackie Winsor, Bound Grid

This is the new artist that I'm working on for my Postminimalism class. Her body of work as a whole has a variety of different kinds of sculpture, but her bound objects are the ones that I'm most drawn to. Her works, like most Postminimalist works, use unconventional materials and transform the values of Minimalism to create works that are more expressive. This work has a great sense of potential energy from the use of sticks, which were once alive, and the areas of bound twine that represent the artist's obsessive labor. Her works also make apparent the artist's hand which contradicts the cool and detached works of the Minimalist. The scale of the pieces is huge at about 7x7 ft in order to relate to human beings.

I'm trying to play up the environmental movement in my paper because of her use of natural materials; I'll let you know how it goes.

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